Therefore, I am writing to wish him a very happy birthday and hope everything goes well with him in the coming 365 days until the 25th anniversary of his birth, on which I shall wish him another wish.
The picture was taken on the last day of 2009, when we had a New Year's Eve party in the Graduate Institute of Musicology, for which the dress code was 'creatively ugly' (You can see in the photo below how 'ugly' I was).
It's really a pleasure to have such an assistant, from whom I've also learnt a lot.
Sometimes I even find my own reflection in him—perseverance with what should be properly explored and learnt, fastidiousness about accuracy and detail, and the belief that everything has its place in a divinely designed way (actually our own way) which could not be questioned.
Although sometimes perseverance and fastidiousness are both just another form of stubbornness, with such determination we keep the standard and quality.
Anyhow, as he is learning to sing a flamenco alegrías, with great 'perseverance', on his 24th birthday I send him my best wishes, Feliz Compleaños!

(How are my Japanese wooden slippers?)
gracias lar~~
by the way, my brithday is 5/15 lar.
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